Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Adding Klout to SharePoint: Klout Web Part

My vision for a Klout web part was to have a control that served two purposes. The first purpose would be to allow users to enter their Klout account (if one wasn't entered already) which would then get stored in their profile. The second would be to actually display the Klout Score in the web part if the account was previously entered.

The steps to performing this are as follows:

  1. Create a Visual Web Part that loads an .ascx control
  2. Create a control that has at least a text box and button for the user to enter their Klout account.
  3. Have the button update the SharePoint User Profile with the Klout account (see previous post for info on the custom property)
  4. Have the web part render the Klout Widget image if the user's profile contained a Klout account.

I have a step-by-step walkthrough of these tasks in my guide here.
The steps in the guide are based on SharePoint 2010, however, it is a similiar process for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint Online (via Office 365).

There are also instructions contained in the guide on how you may access and download code that assists in integrating Klout with SharePoint.

If you found this useful, please help support my SharePoint and .NET user group (Philly SNUG) by clicking on the logo below.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Adding Klout to SharePoint: Search

When I thought of integrating Klout scores into SharePoint, the first thing I thought of was the People search results. This made sense since when searching for people in an organization, you would easily be able to see their Klout score with their information.

The steps to performing this are as follows:

  1. Add a custom property to the User Profile Service.
  2. Crawl People to generate a new crawled property based on the new user profile property.
  3. Create a Managed Property for search that maps to the crawled property.
  4. Modify the People Search Core Results XSLT to display the Klout Widget incorporating the new search managed property.

I have a step-by-step walkthrough of these tasks in my guide here.
The steps in the guide are based on SharePoint 2010, however, it is a similiar process for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint Online (via Office 365).

There are also instructions contained in the guide on how you may access and download code that assists in integrating Klout with SharePoint.

If you found this useful, please help support my SharePoint and .NET user group (Philly SNUG) by clicking on the logo below.

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